Monday, December 8, 2008

"Que Quiere decir el Mariachi? Quien Me Lo Puede Decir?" -- From Juan Gabriel "El Principio"

For most people, Saturdays mark the beginning of a weekend-long rest away from work. For my family, Saturday was about making music and money. On many Saturdays like today, I watched as my older brothers scurried around the house to get ready. Put on their charro suits, picked up their instruments, and jumped into our old blue van…off to someone’s wedding, Quincenera, or funeral. My sister and I stayed behind, left with the echoing sounds of Vicente Fernandez, Juan Gabriel, and Lola Beltran blaring from the boom box speakers in my brothers’ room.

For my family, Mariachi music wasn’t just the music we chose to play in our radios or play with our instruments, it was a way of life. It was the essence of our parties, a living and
breathing connection to our culture and Mexicanismo, the bond builder between brothers, and a means of survival. Today, I can honestly say that Mariachi music was and continues to be a lifeline and aortic root, feeding our family’s livelihood.

This is why I feel so passionate about the music and way of life that has so impacted my family and I so profoundly. Follow me as I bring to light the life of the Charro. So, how has Mariachi music influenced your life? Comment below.


Para muchos, el sábado es el comienzo de un breve descanso del trabajo. Para mi familia, sábado era dedicado a la música y al trabajo. En sábados, como el de hoy, Yo veía como mis hermanos corrían por la casa alistándose . Se ponían el traje de charro, tomaban sus instrumentos, y se subían a nuestra van vieja…en camino a alguna boda, quince anos, o funeral. Mi hermana y yo nos quedábamos en casa, escuchando la music de Vicente Fernández, Juan Gabriel, y Lola Beltrán que se escuchaba desde la grabador que se ubicaba en el cuarto de mis hermanos.

Para mi familia, la music de mariachi no es solamente música que tocamos en la grabadora, o los instrumentos que tocamos, es una forma de vivir. Es la virtud de nuestras fiestas, una conexión a nuestra cultura, una forma de convivir entre hermanos, y una forma de sobrevivir. Hoy, honestamente puedo decir que la música de mariachi fue y continua siendo una de la raíces principales que nutre a mi familia.

Por eso es que hablo de la music de mariachi con tanta pasión, porque es música que a afectado a fondo a mi familia y a mi. Sigue mi blog porque revelare la vida del Charro. Y ahora tu dime, como te a afectado la music de Mariachi? Haz tu comentario abajo.

1 comment:

  1. I remember the first time my father told me that I was going to be a part of his mariachi group; It was a Saturday and I was sound asleep, in my room. "Hey, mijo, wake-up because you are coming with me." Then, as if by magic, he produces a blue mariachi traje and lobs it toward me. Catching it in mid-air, at that moment, I didn't truly realize how much donning a Mariachi traje would transform my life. Amazing!
